Cheating Spouse
Are you looking for cheating spouse investigators or do you have questions about hiring a private investigator to catch a cheating spouse?
Contact us if you suspect your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend is having an affair or committing adultery.
If you do suspect your significant other is being dishonest and cheating on you, then contact The P.I. Firm and let us help you get peace of mind.
The Private Investigator Firm works with reliable and professional cheating spouse private investigators in all 50 States. As a result, our network of private detectives have years of experience in catching significant others in the act of being unfaithful.
If you are searching for a “private investigator for cheating spouse near me” then you have come to the right place. Get a free estimate about pricing by speaking with one of our licensed cheating spouse private investigators. The P.I. Firm works with the best full service private detectives across the country.
In order to get the facts you need, our group of cheating spouse investigation companies use top of the line high definition video, photography and other surveillance equipment.
Contact us today and get peace of mind about your significant other.
Cheating Spouse Frequently Asked Questions
- How to investigate cheating spouse?
- What’s the cost to hire a private investigator to catch a cheating spouse or loved one?
Signs that your significant other may be cheating:
Infidelity statistics show that a person’s intuition is usually correct. No one knows your mate’s habits, routines, and behaviors better than you. If you suspect your mate of being unfaithful, the statistical probability reveals that your intuition is probably correct. Gut feelings are usually the best indicators.
- Sudden increase in time away from home, or often unaccounted for
- Sudden changes in work schedule, last minute meetings or overtime
- Decreased sexual interest in you
- Wanting to try new things sexually or increase in sex due to guilt
- Acting distracted or disinterested, you have become irrelevant
- May be “unavailable” while at work, secretive about their schedule
- Attends new functions outside of work, may want to attend alone
- Phone calls are not returned timely, Phone often turned off
- Leaves house or goes to other rooms to talk on the telephone
- Uses computer alone and secretly, or setup secret email account
- Asks about your schedule more often than usual
- Mileage on car is high yet they state only going short distances
- Behavioral changes especially habits, routines, and attitude
- Increased interest in appearance, dieting, working out, new clothes
- Unexplained charges on credit card or withdrawals on bank statements
- Cell phone bills contain calls with long duration or many text messages
- Using a phone card or secret cell phone
- Unexplained receipts in wallet or purse
- Suspicious voice-mails or text messages
- Suspicious cell phone numbers stored or dialed, or data being erased
- May have their phone bill go paperless
- Caught in lies or inconsistencies, explanations that don’t add up
- May have a gut feeling that something is wrong
We recommend you call us for a Free Consultation.